How Habits and Routines Prevent Stress
This week, I talk to Jay Unwin about how habits and routines prevent stress. Jay is a mental and physical fitness coach, speaker and author of Fit Body Fit Mind. He delivers seminars and workshops to companies who are looking to improve the fitness and wellbeing of their people. Jay specialises in habit and lifestyle change, rather than the typical ‘diets and workouts’ approach of much of the fitness industry.
Jay and I discuss the idea of adapting to the current lifestyle. How does it relate to being strong, or tough? Using the ideas of Charles Darwin, Jay relates the idea of adaptability in our changing environment to how we can support ourselves during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our stress levels in relation to the pandemic are an important thing to think about at the moment, with that feeling of ‘fight or flight’ becoming a general concern on our everyday life. We also talk about identity, the ideas we have about ourselves, and how we can perceive ourselves in a different way.
Jay shares his beliefs in positivity during this difficult time. “Being positive is going, ‘Stuff is really hard sometimes, but that’s okay, we can deal with it as it comes’”. There may be plenty of doom and gloom to go about during this time, but what we do with ourselves is important in how we can feel – “It’s the small habits that are most likely to hold up against adversity” – and it could not be better said.
You can find Jay Unwin at:
Twitter: @TheRealJayUnwin
LinkedIn: jayunwin
Instagram: therealjayunwin
You can find Jay’s book, Fit Body Fit Mind, here:
And take a listen to his podcast:
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