Business Balance Podcast

A podcast between 2018 to 2019.

BBP52 Do What You Can’t

BBP52 Do What You Can’t This week I talk to Gemma Stow.  She loves to help empower women to step into the spotlight.  Gemma works with lots of Introverts from corporate and entrepreneur worlds and helps them to “find their fierce” and inner confidence to be yourself...

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BBP51 Getting Confident with Your Success

BBP51 Getting Confident with Your Success A confidence and leadership coach with a background in leadership and management and helps people with performance and growth.  Nicoletta joined me from Italy to talk to me.  I asked Nicoletta to join me to share her journey to success after...

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BBP50 What Drives You to Change?

BBP50 What Drives You to Change? Listen into the conversation with Susie where we talk about what drives you to make changes in life and what helps her know she has balance in her life. I met Susie at an event and we seemed to connect and have stayed in touch ever...

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BBP49 Stop Blaming Others

BBP49 Stop Blaming Others This week I'm talking about blame on the podcast.  I'm covering why it happens, how we can handle it and how we can change it. There’s such a society around us these days, with politicians, news, well, anyone really looking for “who is...

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BBP48 Leading a Balanced Life

BBP48 Leading a Balanced Life What do we mean by a balanced life?  Isn’t that going to be different for everyone? Well, yes it probably is but for me, and I hope for you it’s going to be about having a happy, healthy mind and body.  That then enables us to focus on...

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BBP47 Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

BBP47 Stop Comparing Yourself to Others How often do you compare yourself to others and then get the negative emotions that follow?  With the online world of facebook, Instagram and everything else, there’s a lot of information out there about what others are doing.  And this can...

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BBP46 Top 10 Episodes

BBP46 Top 10 Episodes It’s my podcast birthday this week, so even though I’m only on episode 46, I’ve been publishing for a whole year!  I had a break during November and December when my lovely mum died, but other than that, I’ve been publishing an episode a week...

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BBP45 Ditching Your Mask

BBP45 Ditching Your Mask This week I’m joined by Stephanie Bosch, she has worked in corporate banking for 12 years and knows what it feels like to put on a mask and experience the darker side of leadership.  She says that instead of living up to our best selves, we...

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BBP44 The Importance of Curiosity

BBP44 The Importance of Curiosity Curiosity is the impulse to seek new information and experiences and explore novel possibilities is a basic human attribute. Curiosity is something that we're born with. Listen as Emma talks about how a toddler or young child demonstrates that...

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BBP43 Saying No with Ease

BBP43 Saying No with Ease Do you find it difficult to say no to people?  Perhaps it means you end up being busy, stressed, over-committed?  Often when we struggle to say no to people it can leave us feeling used, put up-on, juggling too many things.  Are you the one...

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BBP42 Giving & Receiving Feedback

BBP42 Giving & Receiving Feedback How good are you at taking feedback or even giving feedback? Yet another podcast episode inspired by the activities in the BB House with GCSEs taking place.  Emma talks about the conversation she has with her daughter when reviewing the...

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BBP41 Changing Your Money Story

BBP41 Changing Your Money Story What do you do when you love making money but it’s never supposed to be talked about?  This is the conversation I have with Sarupa Shah who always knew she had healing qualities but also had an MBA.  She knew she wanted to make money...

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BBP40 5 Ways to Value Yourself More

BBP40 5 Ways to Value Yourself More How often do you undervalue yourself?  What is not often clear is that our own sense of value, our self-worth comes from our very core.  It’s about our inherent belief we have around our value.  However, it also sets the standard for how others...

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BBP39 Getting Through Tough Times

BBP39 Getting Through Tough Times What do we do when things get really tough and we feel like there are too many challenges and so much difficulty that we think we can’t deal with it?  In the business balance house it’s GCSE time and there is a lot of pressure on my...

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BBP38 Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

BBP38 Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs Our inner beliefs and the perceptions that we have of ourselves can play a big part in keeping us stuck, keeping us small.  They limit the belief that we have about ourselves and our abilities. Whether you want to believe it or not, the...

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BBP37 When You Worry Too Much

BBP37 When You Worry Too Much What can we do when we worry too much?  This episode is inspired by the help I've been provided for my daughter whilst she's worrying about her GCSE's.  It's not just GCSE's that cause worry these days.  There's so much pressure in...

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BBP36 Why It’s Important to Love Your Story with Lori J Lee

BBP36 Why It’s Important to Love Your Story with Lori J Lee On this episode I'm joined by Lori J Lee who has Love Your Story Podcast and came to talk to me about that subject. Lori does research on the personal narrative of your story.  We talked about having balance in our lives in connection with...

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BBP35 Achieving Work-Life Balance

BBP35 Achieving Work-Life Balance In the current fast paced world with always on mentality we need to ensure that we are in control and find ways to balance our time, our brain power, our energies.  This week on the podcast Emma talks about key ways you can achieve work-life...

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BBP34 Stress in the Workplace

BBP34 Stress in the Workplace While some workplace stress is normal, excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and performance, impact your physical and emotional health, and affect your relationships and home life. It can even determine success or failure on...

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BBP33 How Does Stress Affect Your Health?

BBP33 How Does Stress Affect Your Health?   Stress comes in all shapes and sizes. Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain.  The term ‘stress’ refers to the response you have when facing circumstances that force you to act,...

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BBP32 Being Equipped for Difficult Situations with Nicola Richardson

BBP32 Being Equipped for Difficult Situations with Nicola Richardson How do we equip ourselves and the people around us to deal with difficult situations? In this final episode of the Resilience month on the podcast I talk to Nicola Richardson who is a Business and People Mentor.  She works with businesses...

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BBP31 An A to Z of Strategies for Resilience

BBP31 An A to Z of Strategies for Resilience Resilience needs areas to be strong and calm.  This provides the foundations for you to live a balanced life. When your mind and body are resilient, strong and stable, you will be strong and stable too. It forms the foundations of a...

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BBP30 Managing Your Resilience

BBP30 Managing Your Resilience Good resilience is your ability to kind of cope and to rise to those challenges. 2:13Resilience relies on different skills and resources. Some might be about your physical health, mental health or relationships, thinking skills. So, if you're a...

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BBP29 Finding Emotional Resilience

BBP29 Finding Emotional Resilience Resilience is a theme for this month and today we are looking at what Emotional Resilience is. In my newsletter I share some information about me that will explain why I've chosen to focus on resilience.  You can sign up HERE. I want to...

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BBP28 Making Sure Coaching Works

BBP28 Making Sure Coaching Works What if coaching doesn’t work? It’s important for my clients to know that the coaching process works.  But sometimes, coaching doesn’t work! What can you do to make sure coaching works ? I’ve had some great coaching and I’ve one that was...

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BBP27 Your Most Valuable Asset

BBP27 Your Most Valuable Asset What’s your most valuable asset? This might be a question that raises lots of answers and you might be totally against what I’m saying.  If so, that’s fine.  We’re all entitled to our opinions, but here’s mine. Aside from your...

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BBP26 Love Your Work

BBP26 Love Your Work For Valentines day, to share a bit of what I LOVE to do, I’ve got a very special offer for you. I've set aside 10 spaces for a 1 hour, 1:1 intensive with me. I normally only run intensives for at least 2 hours and they’re investment of £329....

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BBP25 The Stories We Tell Ourselves

BBP25 The Stories We Tell Ourselves Often there are different stories we tell ourselves that can keep us stuck and stop us moving forward or make things difficult for us. When we tell ourselves stories it can be to rationalise or justify why we've done things we done (or not...

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BBP24 Why Asking for Help is not Weak

BBP24 Why Asking for Help is not Weak We can’t be strong all the time. We used to live in tribes remember! Those tribes and other people were there to support, help and guide us.  The modern world is about being strong, being able to do all things and not showing a “weakness”....

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BBP23 Banishing January Blues

BBP23 Banishing January Blues I'm talking today about January Blues. The 3rd Monday in January is known as Blue Monday. Apparently this is because this is the time that credit card bills have come in, we realise how much we’ve spent on Christmas. The weather is cold and wet...

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BBP22 Ditching New Year Resolutions

BBP22 Ditching New Year Resolutions I'm talking about why I don't make resolutions.  As a person who is all about self-improvement, it might sound a bit strange to hear me saying that.  Check out the last episode on setting goals! In 2019 January 17th is Ditch New Year...

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BBP21 Successful Goals

BBP21 Successful Goals This 8 step plan can be applied to your goals to really support the success of them.    If you want help with your goals and mindset, get in touch. Find me at or email from the contact page to get in touch.   Here's my 8...

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BBP20 Self Care

BBP20 Self Care Today I’m talking about self care. Now before you roll your eyes (I do too) there’s such a bit misconception about self care and what it is. Self care is a necessary function that we all need in our lives. In this fast paced world we seem to...

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BBP19 9 Ways to Overcome Anxiety

BBP19 9 Ways to Overcome Anxiety We all have times when anxiety is in our life. I want you to begin to consider that everyone feels anxious from time to time. I know that often people feel like it’s just them. The key to helping you overcome anxiety is recognising it’s there....

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BBP18 Ramp up your Resilience

BBP18 Ramp up your Resilience Resilience is all about our ability to bounce back from challenges, difficulties and set backs in life. This week I talk about how you can ramp up your resilience to be able to deal with all that life throws at us. - Assess the situation -...

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BBP17 Grow Your Self Confidence

BBP17 Grow Your Self Confidence If you struggle with confidence or don’t always feels confident then this episode will be helpful for you. Your self-confidence (or lack of it) isn’t written in stone. You can learn, increase, practice self-confidence such like any other skill....

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BBP16 Overcome Fear of Rejection

BBP16 Overcome Fear of Rejection What do we do when a Fear of Rejection stops us from moving forward and achieving? When we have a fear of rejection it can prevent us applying for jobs, asking for a pay-rise, sharing information about our work, promoting ourselves, giving an...

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BBP15 Creating Business Balance with Vicki Nicolson

BBP15 Creating Business Balance with Vicki Nicolson This week I’m joined by Vicki Nicolson, Branding Designer to talk about getting the balance in business. You can find more about Vicki's work at In middle of August Vicki had sent an email saying she was finally...

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BBP14 Power of Positive Thinking

BBP14 Power of Positive Thinking How do we maintain positive thinking in our lives? Does it sounds easier said than done? This isn’t just about telling ourselves things are “fine” or repeating phrases and affirmations like “today is a great day”. When we start to think...

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BBP13 Pushing Past Procrastination

BBP13 Pushing Past Procrastination We’ve all had times when we’ve put something off. We can create reasons or justification for not doing these things. Really they’re excuses and procrastination. This week Emma talks through ways you can push past your procrastination. Listen in...

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BBP12 From Burn-out to Better (a client case study)

BBP12 From Burn-out to Better (a client case study) Emma shares details of a client's journey after burnout in his job. Listen to the difference in how he felt before and after coaching. You can book a call to discuss working with Emma at Key factors for her client were: - always expected a...

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BBP11 Why You Need A Breathing Technique

BBP11 Why You Need A Breathing Technique Even thought we all breathe, Emma explains why we need a breathing technique and talks you through learning her popular one. Effective deep breathing can reduce stress, anxiety and create space in our head by releasing calming chemicals....

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BBP10 The Power of Visualisation

BBP10 The Power of Visualisation Visualisation is powerful tool that is now widely used. We can create a vision of how we want to be and stop worries, self doubt or anxiety. Our brains are naturally wired to notice the negatives, so we need tools to help wire our brain for the...

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BBP9 Transforming Self Belief with Tina Leigh McDonald

BBP9 Transforming Self Belief with Tina Leigh McDonald Emma brings her first guest onto the podcast this week and chats to Tina Leigh McDonald about how her belief in herself changed recently. Tina talks about her work with businesses and young people and Emma avoid getting on the soap box about...

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BBP8 Protecting Yourself from Toxic and Draining People

BBP8 Protecting Yourself from Toxic and Draining People There are people you spend time with who leave you feeling drained and others who leave you warm and comforted. Emma refers to these as drains and radiators. Listen as she talks about the different types of people who leave you drained. They...

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BBP7 Getting Balance in Holiday Times

BBP7 Getting Balance in Holiday Times Whether you have children or not, you're going to want time off and need to find the balance from work, business, home. This week Emma talks through a variety of mindset changes and strategy tips to help you enjoy time off. Remember you are...

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BBP6 Dealing with Overwhelm

BBP6 Dealing with Overwhelm This week Emma tackles the subject of Overwhelm. It's a fast paced world with tons of stimulation so how do we handle it when you feel you just can't cope or you're head is so full you can't think straight. She covers how to recognise when...

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BBP5 From Self Doubt to Self Belief

BBP5 From Self Doubt to Self Belief When doubts run through our minds it can drag us down and have us feeling negative, fed-up and definitely not at our best. Self doubt can hold us back in just one area, or many areas of our lives. It can be quite draining. Here Emma runs...

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BBP4 Creating Great Business Boundaries

BBP4 Creating Great Business Boundaries Emma talks about her favourite subject of Boundaries. How you can create effective business boundaries in your work and life. It's not just a set a rules. Emma regularly hears from clients who • feeling like they’re working all the time, •...

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BBP3 Are You Listening to Your Negative Self Talk?

BBP3 Are You Listening to Your Negative Self Talk? Did you know that the way we talk to ourselves can have a massive impact on the way we think, feel and view ourselves? So many times Emma hears people with negative self talk.  “I’m no good at …”  “I can’t do ….”  “I’m so silly” ...

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BBP2 Creating Your Happy Place

BBP2 Creating Your Happy Place When things get too much in life, physically, mentally or emotionally it’s good to have somewhere to go to calm, recover, feel safe or to feel happy again. That’s why you need a Happy Place. Emma talks you through why you need a happy place and...

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Feeling Overwhelmed?

That feeling of overwhelm can become a negative spiral once it starts.

  • You start to feel out of control
  • There’s too much to do
  • Not enough time to do everything
  • Worry or panic sets in
  • You can’t think clearly and everything seems so difficult
  • Before long, you’re wondering if you can cope at all

This free guide has simple steps to breaking that overwhelm cycle. You can use each step individually or all together. There are 7 simple and straightforward steps to get you out of overwhelm, feeling calm, clear headed and in control.