Why it's Worth Investing in Stress Awareness in 2024 April is Stress Awareness Month, and the 2024 focus is to talk about stress and it's effect on people. Doing this raises awareness, helps people to ensure they don't feel alone and enables sharing of things that are...
Lessons for Leaders 100: Celebrating 100 Episodes!
Celebrating 100 Episodes Welcome to Lessons for Leaders. Can you believe we are celebrating 100 episodes of the podcast already?! The goal has always been to share lessons, learnings, tips and advice and, even when things got tough with it, I’ve enjoyed it more and...
Lessons for Leaders 99: How to Persuade Leaders to Invest in Wellbeing
How to Persuade Leaders to Invest in Wellbeing This week I'm sharing top tips and conversations I have frequently with people in organisations to help them persuade leaders to invest in wellbeing. We're covering: What to do to persuade your leaders The 3 R’s that I...
Lessons for Leaders 98: Why a Good Leader Will Give Teams Autonomy
Why a Good Leader Will Give Teams Autonomy This week I'm joined by Gemma Woodward, People & Culture Manager for Netsells in York, to talk about why a good leader will give teams autonomy. Listen in for: What the benefits of allowing autonomy are How leaders can...
Lessons for Leaders 97: Why Leaders Need to Get Back to the Floor
Why Leaders Need to Get Back to the Floor What on earth is back to the floor? I start with that and why I'm covering the subject of why leaders need to get back to the floor (it was inspired by my wonderful friend and leader Tina). I'm also covering: Why it's...
Lessons for Leaders 95: Lockdown Lessons for Leaders
Lockdown Lessons for Leaders It's been two years since the UK locked down from the COVID-19 virus. In fact, pretty much the entire world locked down. In Lockdown Lessons for Leaders, the latest episode of my podcast, I share my reflections, lessons and learnings....
Lessons for Leaders 94: Supporting Female Leaders
Supporting Female Leaders In honour of International Women's Day, I’m here to give ideas of ways that you can support women in leadership roles. https://oembed.libsyn.com/embed?item_id=22379738 Supporting Female Leaders There can be a number of reasons why there are...
Lessons for Leaders 93: Why Empathy is Crucial for Great Leaders
Why Empathy is Crucial for Great Leaders This week I'm talking to you about why empathy is crucial for great leaders. I cover : What is empathy Why does it matter in leadership Whether empathy can be learned How it can improve performance, create connections and...
Lessons for Leaders 92: Easy Ways to Say No
Easy Ways to Say No Do you find it difficult to say no to people? Perhaps it means you end up being busy, stressed, or over-committed? Often when we struggle to say no to people it can leave us feeling used, put upon, or juggling too many things. Are you the one who...
Feeling Overwhelmed?
That feeling of overwhelm can become a negative spiral once it starts.
- You start to feel out of control
- There’s too much to do
- Not enough time to do everything
- Worry or panic sets in
- You can’t think clearly and everything seems so difficult
- Before long, you’re wondering if you can cope at all
This free guide has simple steps to breaking that overwhelm cycle. You can use each step individually or all together. There are 7 simple and straightforward steps to get you out of overwhelm, feeling calm, clear headed and in control.