Lessons for Leaders 100: Celebrating 100 Episodes!

Dec 2, 2022 | Podcasts, Lessons for Leaders

Celebrating 100 Episodes

Welcome to Lessons for Leaders. Can you believe we are celebrating 100 episodes of the podcast already?!

The goal has always been to share lessons, learnings, tips and advice and, even when things got tough with it, I’ve enjoyed it more and I’m proud to be able to say I got to episode 100.

Many of my regular listeners will know that my girls are the reason I do what I do and my eldest girl is about to make me a Granny next month, so it seems like a good time to pause the episodes for a while.

This last one is a very special episode, with my other amazing girl joining me at the mic to ask some of the questions you, my listeners, sent in. I really hope you enjoy it.

Celebrating 100 Episodes

Welcome to Lessons for Leaders.  Can you believe it’s episode 100? The goal has always been to share lessons, learnings, tips and advice and even when things got tough with it, I’ve enjoyed it more and I’m proud to be able to say I got to 100.

I’ll be back in the autumn. In the meantime, there are plenty of topics in the back episodes for you to dive into.

Keep sending me feedback, loves, takeaways and requests for topics in the meantime. 

As always, thank you for listening 

I hope this is helpful for you. Please do share any feedback or any questions on this, drop me an email at emma@emmalangton.com

For further information on 1:1, group coaching or training get in touch.

Join my corporate leadership and wellbeing newsletter HERE

If you want to be increasing your performance so that you’re more resilient, less stressed in these current times, so that you can focus easily, use tools and techniques to deal with all the current and unknown challenges then make sure that you send me an email or use the online diary and arrange a time for a chat.

This post discusses: emmalangton
Emma Langton

Emma Langton

Executive Leadership Coach

Emma hosts the Lessons for Leaders podcast. Each week she brings you lessons, learnings, tips and advice to enable you to lead with ease in business, without stress, doubt and overwhelm so that I help you to increase your performance, be resilient and thrive in life. Emma has been providing coaching, training and therapeutic support for executives since setting up her business in 2011. Prior to that she spent over 20 years with people at the top of national and multi-national training and communication businesses.


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