Why we need to stop throwing money at wellbeing
Welcome Hannah Beko to the Lessons for Leaders podcast.
Listen into how Hannah got into wellbeing by accident.
The reasons why we need to stop throwing money at wellbeing
What you should do instead and why
We discuss the stigma, with chat and examples of our experiences
Hannah, a practicing lawyer, had been self employed for years and was doing well, but then realised she was ticking every box suffering from symptoms of stress.
She started to have panic attacks and realised this was ridiculous. She left big law to enjoy life more and not enjoying this and not feeling like she was coping. This meant she got interested in stress and wellbeing.
Hannah needed to find how to make the business work for her and the family.
She realised there are so many other lawyers that are in that position and read the statistics and understand how bad stress and wellbeing is so bad in the law.
In a previous chat Hannah and I were talking about the similar issues and struggles we see in the area of law and Hannah said she wanted to talk about
“Why we need to stop throwing money at wellbeing” which is what prompted the episode.
Listen to why Hannah gets passionate about this subject.
What other countries think about how the UK is dealing with mental health & wellbeing
Some quotes from the episode:
“Whatever people are doing right now for wellbeing … is not working”
“We need to equip people so that they know what they can do themselves”
We talk about sticking plaster and tick box approaches and why company approaches have got to be more than this.
“I might be talking to people about time management but really, they’re completely overwhelmed and they are struggling to keep going each day”
“so many people are in overwhelm right now and on the edge of burn out that I’ve stopped the workshops and switched to focus groups and group coaching to meet what people need”
There’s a stigma about mental health and wellbeing and it’s a big concern that it hasn’t changed enough yet.
It’s all about the conversations. Ask people – what help do you want – what are you struggling with right now -what support do you want?
You can get in touch with Hannah at her website or on Linked In
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