Lessons for Leaders: Top 5 Episodes of 2021

Dec 30, 2021 | Lessons for Leaders, Podcasts

I’m sharing a recap of the top 5 episodes for 2021.  These are the podcast episodes that have had the highest listens throughout the year and I thought it useful to recap them for you.  People are often asking me which I should listen to first, so this will be a helpful way to dive in to the most popular ones and get you started, or enable you to recap any that you missed.

Even if you heard them before, it’s often useful to get a reminder of key messages …. It’s so easy to forget these things. 

The top 5 episodes that had the most listens are:

LFL18   Boundaries for Leaders

Good leadership boundaries enhance workforce behaviour, stops workforce behaviour from being pulled down taking away from its values, mission, purpose, and results.

Listen to why boundaries are my favourite subject and why I think they are so essential in business, organisation and life.

Boundaries enable us to clear and consistent. 

Boundaries are not about being rigid, strict, harsh or punitive.  Neither are they something flimsy or non-existent.  Boundaries will need to be firm, fair and clear. 

Boundaries create respect.

Boundaries for Leaders

Great boundaries set the culture and expectation of an organisation so that they set the standard of performance within a workplace.  This is then easily disseminated down the workforce so that they too have good boundaries in their own work ethics and both personal and professional values.

LFL21   Preventing Leadership Fatigue and Burn Out

Although this was published back in June, it makes it into the top 5 episodes because it’s still relevant now and I expect it will be right through 2022.  I’ve been hearing of lots of people experiencing burn out, extreme fatigue and people struggling.  So this is going to be so helpful.

Burnout characterised by “emotional exhaustion” and usually attributed to the professional role you have, therefore, maintaining work life balance is vital to prevent burnout.

The difficulty though is that often fatigue and burn out happen because leader DO love their jobs, or feel a sense of responsibility or struggle to delegate – in fact there can be a host of differing factors.  Because everyone is different. 

The important thing is to ensure that you know what affects you and, more helpfully that you’re able to spot the signs in your leadership team too. You can see why this hit the top 5 episodes that had the most listens!

Preventing Leadership Fatigue and Burn Out

Leaders often thrive with a challenge, however when the challenge is a prolonged one, such as this period of the Covid-19 crisis, leaders need to ensure that they are able to sustain the test of time. Prioritising mental wellbeing is just as essential for leaders in a time of crisis as it is for your employees.

LFL15 Resilient Leadership: My Six Pillars of Resilience

The third in the top 5 episodes gives you an insight into my resilience workshops and training.  In January one organisation has booked me to deliver 8 resilience workshops for their organisation that incorporates 5 x one hour sessions for all staff and 3 x 2 hour sessions for managers.  If you want an insight, go over to this episode and here me talking about 

  • what resilience is
  • how resilience impacts you in leadership and your employees
  • what are my six pillars of resilience

Leaders are expected to be able to run and lead in their business and to be able to do it well.  Accenture concluded that 

“Resilience may be the new criterion for professional advancement”

With business and economic challenge the way a leader handles pressure is likely to have a huge impact on performance and success of an organisation.  So resilience is critical to survive the challenges ahead, during and after lockdown.

LFL15 Resilient Leadership: My Six Pillars of Resilience

00  I’m talking about  what resilience is how resilience impacts you in leadership and your employees what are my six pillars of resilience Leaders are expected to be able to run and lead in their business and to be able to do it well.  Accenture concluded that  “Resilience may be the new criterion for professional advancement” With business and economic challenge the way a leader handles pressure is likely to have a huge impact on performance and success of an organisation.  So resilience is critical to survive the challenges ahead, during and after lockdown.

LFL38 7 Steps to a Winning Wellbeing Plan

For the fourth top 5 episode I share a process I go through with organisations when we’re looking at creating their wellbeing plans.  January is a great time to put this in place … but it can happen at any time of the year.   If you’re not on my newsletter, then get signed up HERE because the January edition will be giving away more info about these 7 steps too.

To listen to the episode, you’ll hear me talking about the 7 steps that you can take to create winning wellbeing plans in your organisation and sharing exactly what would be good things so that there are not just knee jerk reactions and plugging gaps.

7 Steps to a Winning Wellbeing Plan

7 Steps to a Winning Wellbeing Plan This week I’m talking about the 7 steps that you can take to create winning wellbeing plans in your organisation and sharing exactly what would be good things so that there are not just knee jerk reactions and plugging gaps.

LFL13 Managing Stress During the Lockdown

Finally, the last of the top 5 episodes is not just relevant for back when we were in lockdown.  It shares what common stress responses look like, so that you can spot the signs.  I share what we need to do with the stress that ensures we don’t stay with that stress response for too long.  We must give ourselves time to accept, react and adjust. Then we create a new normal.

LFL13 Managing Stress During the Lockdown

The irony that we are in lockdown during April is not lost on me. April is Stress Awareness Month   The Mental Health Foundation discovered that in 2019, 74% of adults felt so stressed that they were overwhelmed and unable to cope (and that was before the current challenges that we’re facing!)

I hope these top 5 episodes are helpful. Any questions on this, drop me an email at emma@emmalangton.com

For further information on 1:1, group coaching or training get in touch.

Join my corporate leadership and wellbeing newsletter HERE

If you want to be increasing your performance so that you’re more resilient, less stressed in these current times, so that you can focus easily, use tools and techniques to deal with all the current and unknown challenges then make sure that you send me an email or use the online diary and arrange a time for a chat.

This post discusses: coaching, leadership, resilience, stress, wellbeing
Emma Langton

Emma Langton

Executive Leadership Coach

Emma hosts the Lessons for Leaders podcast. Each week she brings you lessons, learnings, tips and advice to enable you to lead with ease in business, without stress, doubt and overwhelm so that I help you to increase your performance, be resilient and thrive in life. Emma has been providing coaching, training and therapeutic support for executives since setting up her business in 2011. Prior to that she spent over 20 years with people at the top of national and multi-national training and communication businesses.


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