Emma brings her first guest onto the podcast this week and chats to Tina Leigh McDonald about how her belief in herself changed recently. Tina talks about her work with businesses and young people and Emma avoid getting on the soap box about the impact of today’s schooling on self belief! Tina also explain how she recently transformed her self belief after being nominated for the Rising Stars award and winning. The attendance at the awards ceremony really cemented that change in belief in herself. You can find Tina at http://avalanchecoaching.co.uk/
BBP52 Do What You Can’t
https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/10763381 This week I talk to Gemma Stow. She loves to help empower women to step into the spotlight. Gemma works with lots of Introverts from corporate and entrepreneur worlds and helps them to “find their fierce” and...