Think You Can’t Do Change?

Sep 29, 2016 | Change


Are you someone who thinks they can’t do change?

Perhaps you know someone else who is like this? This is something I hear about quite a lot in my work. It’s always good to re-assess our thoughts and see if we can begin to think about things differently.
So this week, I popped onto Facebook to talk about this subject of change in a live video. If you missed it you can watch the recording below.

In this video I have you think about:

  • The changes you might already make without even noticing!
  • The language you use when you talk about change.
  • How to adjust so that changes can be comfortable and can happen for you.

Watch the video and let me know what you think in the comments box below or pop over to my Facebook page or YouTube channel and let me know there too!

This post discusses: change, language, mindset, video
Emma Langton

Emma Langton

Executive Leadership Coach

Emma hosts the Lessons for Leaders podcast. Each week she brings you lessons, learnings, tips and advice to enable you to lead with ease in business, without stress, doubt and overwhelm so that I help you to increase your performance, be resilient and thrive in life. Emma has been providing coaching, training and therapeutic support for executives since setting up her business in 2011. Prior to that she spent over 20 years with people at the top of national and multi-national training and communication businesses.


  1. Louise Mason

    …as easy as changing your socks!
    I wear odd socks does that make me even more open to change?!!

    • Emma Langton

      Hi Louise! Well, it certainly sounds like you can. What do you think I wonder? Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. x


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