Lessons for Leaders 83: Six Ways to Set Christmas Boundaries

Six Ways to Set Christmas Boundaries

Not all of us get oodles of holiday time over Christmas.  After the couple of years we’ve had it’s important to set boundaries and ensure that you get time for you AND time to prioritise and enjoy Christmas in a way that works for you.

Listen in for my six ways to set Christmas boundaries.

Listen in for my story about how I let go of perfect and the different perspectives I learnt from that experience.

And listen right to the very end for my Christmas message to you too.

Six Ways to Set Christmas Boundaries

Not all of us get oodles of holiday time over Christmas.  After the couple of years we’ve had it’s important to set boundaries and ensure that you get time for you and time to prioritise and enjoy Christmas in a way that works for you.

Six Ways to Set Christmas Boundaries

Regardless of how many days off you have, the Christmas season is a time to switch off, properly. It’s the middle of winter, energy is low, and the Christmas break is the closest our fast-paced culture comes to hibernation.

We all need time to switch off and refuel.  Every learning and growth cycle includes a period of quiet, a period for rest and recuperation. It allows us to come back stronger, renewed, ready to go again.

So if you want 2022 to be your most effective, powerful, satisfying year yet, it starts now by setting Christmas boundaries.

Here’s are my six ways to set Christmas boundaries:

  1. Prioritise
  2. Limit Work Time
  3. Make Time for Fun
  4. Have an Escape Plan
  5. Let Go of Perfect
  6. Be Present

If you enjoyed this episode, please do leave a review and share on social media so that more people can enjoy the tips and advice.

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If you want to be increasing your performance so that you’re more resilient, less stressed in these current times, so that you can focus easily, use tools and techniques to deal with all the current and unknown challenges then make sure that you send me an email or use the online diary and arrange a time for a chat.

This post discusses: anxiety, balance, calm, emmalangton, stress, wellbeing
Emma Langton

Emma Langton

Executive Leadership Coach

Emma hosts the Lessons for Leaders podcast. Each week she brings you lessons, learnings, tips and advice to enable you to lead with ease in business, without stress, doubt and overwhelm so that I help you to increase your performance, be resilient and thrive in life. Emma has been providing coaching, training and therapeutic support for executives since setting up her business in 2011. Prior to that she spent over 20 years with people at the top of national and multi-national training and communication businesses.


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